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Bulbostylis capillaris   (L. ) Kunth ex  C. B. Clarke
Cherokee County, Kansas
Height: 2-12 inches
Family: Cyperaceae - Sedge Family
Flowering Period:   June, July, August, September,October
Also Called: Dense-tuft hairsedge.
Culms: Several, erect or ascending, thread-like, glabrous, ribbed.
Leaves: Basal and 1-2 on lower culms, spreading to ascending, hair-like, .4 to 4.2 inches long, less than 1/50 inch wide, about 1/3 as long as culm; margins rough, rolled inwards at edges; tip thin.
Sheaths: Pubescent, back prominently ribbed, margins tan.
Ligules: Spikelets terminal, solitary or in small umbel-like clusters, lance-ovoid, 1/8 to 1/5 inch long, several flowered, tips pointed; involcural bracts 2-several, hair-like, usually longer but occasionally shorter than inflorescence; scales overlapping in spiral pattern, ovate, dark-brown to reddish-brown, glabrous or minutely-hairy; midrib prominent, keeled, green; keel extending into short, sharp point; stamens 2; stigmas 3.
Fruits: Achene, tiny, 3-angled, egg-shaped, to 1/25 inch long, yellowish to pale brown, surface with horizontal wrinkles.
Habitat: Open, sandy, gravelly or rocky sites, sandy prairies, roadsides, waste areas, stream banks, pond and lake margins, thin-soiled areas.
Distribution: East half of Kansas.
Origin: Native

Hair sedge inflorescence
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Cherokee County, Kansas
Hair sedge inflorescence
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Cherokee County, Kansas
Hair sedge
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Cherokee County, Kansas
Hair sedge
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Cherokee County, Kansas