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Dalea jamesii (Torr. ) T. & G. & Torr.
Morton County, Kansas (photo by Marion McGlohon) |
Perennial |
Height: Up to 4 inches tall |
Family: Fabaceae – Bean Family |
Flowering Period: May, June, July |
Stems: | | 1-7(15) in number, .4. to 4.8 inches long, shorter ones erect, longer ones decumbent, silky-pilose. | Leaves: | | Alternate, 3-foliolate, petiole .12 to .6 inch; stipules .08 to .24 inch long; leaflets obovate to broadly oblanceolate, (.12).2 to .7 inch long, apex obtuse, surfaces densely silky-pubescent. | Inflorescences: | | Spikes, terminal, sessile or nearly so, densely hairy, .6 to 2.4 inches long, .6 to .7 inch in diam. | Flowers: | | Calyx tube .1 to .14 inch long, pilose with spreading hairs; teeth 5, deltoid aristate, plumose, .2 to .4 inch long; corolla yellow, fading purplish or brown, papilionaceous, .4 to .8 inch long; banner .2 to .26 inch long; wings .22 to .27 inch; keel .26 to .33 inch; stamens 10. | Fruits: | | Pods, .14 to .16 inch long, pubescent; seed 1-2, yellowish, .1 to .12 inch, smooth. | Habitat: | | Infrequent to locally common on dry, rocky short-grass prairie plains and hillsides | Distribution: | | Morton and Stanton counties in southwestern Kansas. | Origin: | | Native | Comments: | | James prairie clover low, loosely tufted, and silky-pubescent.
Dalea, for Samuel Dale, English botanist and physician and jamesii, for Edwin James, American naturalist. |
James prairie clover habit |  | 179 KB | Morton County, Kansas (photo by Marion McGlohon) |
| James prairie clover |  | 183 KB | Morton County, Kansas (photo by Marion McGlohon) |
| James prairie clover |  | 187 KB | Morton County, Kansas (photo by Marion McGlohon) |
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