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Arnoglossum atriplicifolium (L. ) H.E. Robins
[=Cacalia atriplicifolia L.] |
Marshall County, Kansas |
Perennial |
Height: 3-10 feet |
Family: Asteraceae - Sunflower Family |
Flowering Period: June, July, August, September |
Stems: | | Erect, unbranched below inflorescence, round in cross section, weakly ridged or smooth, waxy. | Leaves: | | Alternate, basal leaves few, long-stalked, blades triangular-ovate or heart-shaped, to 12 inches long and wide, palmately-veined with 3-10 main veins, glabrous; margins toothed or shallowly-lobed; lobes usually broadly pointed; lower stem leaves similar, more conspicuously lobed; stem leaves progressively reduced upward; lower surface pale green, waxy; upper stem leaves short-stalked. | Inflorescences: | | Cyme, corymb-like, terminal and in axils of uppermost leaves; heads numerous, 100+, involucre stalked, narrowly cylindric, 1/3 to 2/5 inch tall; involcural bracts 5, erect, spreading in fruit, oblong, greenish-white, rounded on back. | Flowers: | | Ray florets absent; disk florets 5; corollas deeply 5-lobed, 1/3 to 1/2 inch long, white or greenish-white, sometimes pale purple. | Fruits: | | Achene, egg-shaped to spindle-shaped, 1/6 to 1/5 inch long, 10-ribbed, brown or purplish, tipped with numerous white bristles 1/6 to 1/4 inch long, enclosing small seed. | Habitat: | | Edges of woods, stream banks, occasionally pastures and roadsides. | Distribution: | | East 1/3 of Kansas. | Origin: | | Native | Uses: | | Native Americans applied a poultice of pale Indian plantain to cuts and bruises and used it to treat cancer and to draw out poisonous substances. The leaves were powdered and used as a seasoning. |
Pale Indian plantain inflorescence |  | 60 KB | Marshall County, Kansas |
| Pale Indian plantain bracts and florets |  | 64 KB | Marshall County, Kansas |
| Pale Indian plantain |  | 56 KB | Marshall County, Kansas |
| Pale Indian plantain stem and leaves |  | 108 KB | Marshall County, Kansas |
| Pale Indian plantain leaves |  | 84 KB | Marshall County, Kansas |
| Pale Indian plantain leaves |  | 60 KB | Marshall County, Kansas |
| Pale Indian plantain habit |  | 204 KB | Marshall County, Kansas |
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