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Euphorbia cyathophora  Murray
Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas
Height: 6-40 inches
Family: Euphorbiaceae - Spurge Family
Flowering Period:   June, July, August, September
Also Called: Painted euphorbia, painted-leaf spurge, wild poinsettia.
Stems: Erect or ascending, unbranched or branched, glabrous to sparsely hairy, green to yellowish-green or sometimes reddish or purplish.
Leaves: Mostly alternate, uppermost sometimes opposite, highly variable, linear to linear-lanceolate to broadly oblong or ovate, upper leaves sometimes fiddle-shaped, 3/5 to 6 inches long; upper surface glabrous, bright green; lower surface glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy, light to pale green; some upper leaves often with bright reddish or rarely yellowish-white splotch near base; margins finely-toothed or entire, upper leaves mostly lobed; stalks 1/8 to 3/5 inch long.
Inflorescences: Clusters of solitary or paired cup-shaped receptacles, terminal on stem or branches.
Flowers: Unisexual; receptacles cup-shaped, usually wider than high, green, glabrous; involcural gland usually solitary, cupped, 2-lipped, sessile, without appendages; pistil 1, surrounded by several stamens.
Fruits: Capsule, stalked, 3-lobed, 1/8 to 1/6 inch long, 1/4 to 1/3 inch thick, smooth; seeds egg-shaped or nearly spherical, about 1/10 inch long, dark brown, covered with low bumps and wrinkles.
Habitat: Woodlands, roadsides, bushy ravines, stream banks, waste areas, fallow fields, old fields, open disturbed areas; moist, alkaline soils.
Distribution: All but southwest 1/4 of Kansas.
Toxicity: Spurges contain a milky sap that can cause eye and mouth irritation.

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Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas
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Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas
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Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas
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Riley County, Kansas
Fire-on-the-mountain leaf variation
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Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas
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