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Trillium sessile  L.
Cherokee County, Kansas
Height: 6-12 inches
Family: Liliaceae - Lily Family
Flowering Period:   April, May
Also Called: Toadshade, toad trillium.
Stems: Erect, stout, unbranched, smooth; base reddish-purple.
Leaves: Whorl of 3 leaves at top of stem, sessile; blades broadly egg-shaped, 1.6 to 3.6 inches long, 1 to 3 inches wide, net veined, inconspicuously to strongly mottled, mottling becomes obscure with age; tips often abruptly pointed.
Inflorescences: Single flower, sessile, terminal.
Flowers: Fragrance pungent; perianth segments 6; outer segments 3, green, spreading to ascending, broadly lanceolate, .6 to 1.2 inches long, margins entire, tips pointed; inner segments 3, brownish-purple, becoming yellowish-green with age, erect, enclosing stamens, broadly elliptical, .8 to 1.6 inch long, broadest in lower 1/2 or near middle, margins entire, tips pointed; stamens 6, about 1/2 as long as inner perianth segments; anthers and filaments reddish-purple or purplish-brown.
Fruits: Berry, nearly spherical, dark greenish-purple, pulpy, not juicy; seeds several per compartment, elliptic.
Habitat: Rich, moist woods; deciduous wooded slopes; low, moist ravine bottoms; stream banks; rocky and non-rocky calcareous soils.
Distribution: Easternmost counties of Kansas.
Toxicity: The berries, seeds, and rhizomes of trilliums are thought to be poisonous.
Uses: Native Americans and pioneers applied a poultice of crushed leaves to boils, snakebites, and stings. A tea made from the plant was taken for sickness.
Comments: From Latin trilix "triple" in reference to the three parts of the flowers.

Wake robin
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Cherokee County, Kansas