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Eupatorium serotinum  Michx.
Ellsworth County, Kansas
Height: 1.5-6.5 feet
Family: Asteraceae - Sunflower Family
Flowering Period:   August, September,October
Also Called: Late-flowering throughwort, fall boneset.
Stems: Erect, much branched above, short-hairy.
Leaves: Mostly opposite but uppermost sometimes alternate; stalk .4 to 1.2 inches long; blade narrowly lanceolate to narrowly ovate, 2 to 8 inches long, 3/5 to 4 inches wide, upper surface nearly glabrous; veins 3-5, conspicuous; margins toothed; tip gradually tapering to sharp point.
Inflorescences: Corymb, terminal; heads numerous.
Flowers: Heads cylindric, 1/6 to 1/4 inch tall; bracts linear, pubescent, overlapping in 2-3 series, tips rounded or blunt; ray florets absent; disk florets 9-15, white.
Fruits: Achene, narrow, oblong to oval, longitudinally ribbed, black, tipped with white bristles, enclosing small seed.
Habitat: Open moist woods in bottomlands, old pastures, feedlots, waste areas; moist soils; occasionally in drier, open places.
Distribution: East 1/2 of Kansas.
Uses: Native Americans boiled the flowers and took the tea to treat typhoid fever.

Late eupatorium flowers
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Late eupatorium inflorescence
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Late eupatorium
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Late eupatorium achenes
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Late eupatorium leaves
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Late eupatorium leaves
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Late eupatorium
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Late eupatorium inflorescence
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Atchison County, Kansas
Late eupatorium leaf
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Atchison County, Kansas
Late eupatorium habit
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Late eupatorium inflorescence
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Late eupatorium habit
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Ellsworth County, Kansas