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Cynanchum laeve (Michx. ) Pers.
Douglas County, Kansas |
Perennial |
Height: Trailing vine 6 feet or longer |
Family: Asclepiadaceae - Milkweed Family |
Flowering Period: June, July, August |
Also Called: | | Sandvine, climbing milkweed. | Stems: | | Vine, slender, twining, trailing or climbing on other plants and trees, simple or branched, glabrous or with lines of pubescence; sap milky, sticky. | Leaves: | | Opposite, simple, triangular to ovate, 1 to 5 inches long, 1 to 4 inches wide, glabrous; margins entire; tip pointed; base heart-shaped; stalk 1/2 to 3 inches long. | Inflorescences: | | Cymes, few to numerous, 5- to 40-flowered, in leaf axils; stalks stout, up to 2 inches long. | Flowers: | | Calyx lobes lanceolate, green or purplish; corolla fragrant, white to cream, up to 1/45 inch long; lobes 5, petal-like, oblong to lance-oblong. | Fruits: | | Pod, narrowly lanceolate or spindle-shaped, 3 to 6 inches long, .6 to 1.2 inch thick, minutely hairy to glabrous, tubercles absent; seeds many, ovate, flattened, pale brown, tufted with white silky hairs. | Habitat: | | Waste areas, disturbed sites, edges of woods, stream banks, gardens, cultivated fields, and roadsides; all soil types but often in calcareous soils. | Distribution: | | East 2/3 of Kansas. | Toxicity: | | Related African and Australian species are toxic to livestock. North American species are not generally considered a problem. | Comments: | | Honeyvine milkweed can be a nuisance weed in no-tilled row crops. It has an extensive root system that diverts moisture and will lower crop yields. It can be dificult to eradicate. The seeds are wind dispersed. |
Honeyvine milkweed flowers |  | 52 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed |  | 55 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed leaves |  | 77 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed pod |  | 87 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed |  | 53 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed |  | 115 KB | Douglas County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed |  | 67 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed flowers |  | 55 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed leaf and inflorescence |  | 85 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed flowers |  | 56 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
| Honeyvine milkweed leaf |  | 83 KB | Riley County, Kansas |
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