File Size: 81 KB |
Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. var. minor Hook.
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |
Perennial |
Height: 6 - 20 inches |
Family: Fabaceae - Bean Family |
Flowering Period: May, June, July, August |
Also Called: | | Narrow-leaved american vetch, stiff-leaf vetch. | Stems: | | Reclining or climbing, smooth, often zigzag. | Leaves: | | Alternate, even-pinnately compound, tipped with clinging tendrils; leaflets 4-14, stiff, narrowly linear to linear-oblong, to 1.25 inch long, less than 1/5 inch wide; margins usually entire; tips rounded, blunt, or abruptly pointed; stipules usually serrate. | Inflorescences: | | Racemes, loose, 3-5-flowered. | Flowers: | | Calyces slightly swollen on 1 side; corollas papilionaceous, 1/2 to 1 inch long, bluish purple; banner with notched tip; stamens 10, 9 united, 1 free. | Fruits: | | Pods, smooth, around 1 inch long; seeds 8-14, round. | Habitat: | | Dry prairies, lowlands, bluffs, and roadsides. | Distribution: | | Throughout except southwest corner. | Forage Value: | | American vetch is good forage that is readily grazed by livestock. It tends to disappear from pastured areas. | Uses: | | Native Americans utilized many parts of this plant. The seeds were used as food; leaves were applied to spider bites; tea made from the entire plant was used as eyewash; and roots were kept in the pocket as a good luck charm when gambling. Birds also eat the seeds. |
American vetch |  | 91 KB | Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |
| American vetch |  | 85 KB | Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |
| American vetch |  | 111 KB | Jewell County, Kansas |
| American vetch |  | 111 KB | Jewell County, Kansas |
| American vetch |  | 123 KB | Ottawa County, Kansas |
| American vetch |  | 150 KB | Ottawa County, Kansas |
| American vetch |  | 129 KB | Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |
| American vetch habit |  | 144 KB | Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |
| American vetch habit |  | 164 KB | Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |
| American vetch |  | 104 KB | Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |