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Froelichia floridana   (Nutt. ) Moq.  var. campestris 
Russell County, Kansas
Height: 12-48 inches
Family: Amaranthaceae - Pigweed Family
Flowering Period:   June, July, August, September
Stems: Erect, stout, usually arching, unbranched or sparsely branched above, white-woolly.
Leaves: Opposite, simple, sessile or stalked, narrowly oblong to oblanceolate or spatulate, 1 to 5.5 inches long, .25 to 1 inch wide, broader at or below middle, silky or downy above, white-woolly below, occur mostly on lower 1/2 of stem; margins entire; tips pointed or blunt.
Inflorescences: Spikes, 1/2 to 4 inches long, about 1/2 inch in diameter, resembling pinecones covered with white woolly hairs, terminal and often lateral on stalks.
Flowers: Inconspicuous, sessile; subtended by membrane-like bract and 2 bractlets; calyces 5-lobed, lobes less than 1/12 inch long, white-woolly; petals absent.
Fruits: Flask-shaped, 1-seeded, densely white-woolly; wings 2, lateral; seeds lens-shaped, rust-colored.
Habitat: Dry, loose, sandy soils of prairies, roadsides, and stream valleys.
Distribution: Principally central 1/3 and southwest corner of Kansas.
Forage Value: Field snake-cotton is poor forage for livestock but is consumed by deer.
Comments: The inflorescence sometimes is used in dried floral arrangements.
 See See slender snake-cotton

Field snake-cotton flowers
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Russell County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton inflorescence
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Russell County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton
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Russell County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton in fruit
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Russell County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton in fruit
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Russell County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton
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Field snake-cotton
Field snake-cotton
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Pratt County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton leaves
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Pratt County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton
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Saline County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton inflorescence
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Ellsworth County, Kansas
Field snake-cotton habit
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Ellsworth County, Kansas